UNICEF Submission to the Australian Government, Department of Communication on Enhancing Online Safety for Children

Published in March 2014.

UNICEF Australia welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Department of Communications, on the subject of enhancing online safety for children and building positive digital citizenship.

The Internet offers genuine benefits for children, including access to information and culture, new ways to participate in multiple areas of public life and to be heard. In particular, the Internet has provided an important access pathway for some children living in regional and remote Australia, and children who live with disabilities who are physically isolated. It has also enabled children to stay connected with family and extended family who are living overseas. However, emerging digital technologies also present significant risks to children and young people.

These issues will be discussed in this submission.

For more information, please contact Amy Lamoin at UNICEF Australia at alamoin@unicef.org.au or phone (02) 8917 3220.