If you need some help or advice, there are a number of services available specifically for kids in Australia.

The National Children’s Commissioner, sits within the Australian Human Rights Commission and is focused solely on the rights and interests of children, and the laws, policies and programs that impact on them.


Contact the National Children’s Commissioner:


There are also children’s commissioners in every state and territory:

Youth Law Australia provides legal information about your rights in every State and Territory. You can search by issue.

Australian Human Rights Commission provides news, publications and projects to make children and young people have a genuine say on issues that affect them

Depression, anxiety and bullying

The Kids Helpline provides free and confidential counselling for kids and young people between 5 and 25 years old and is available at any time for any reason: 1800 55 1800

Beyond Blue provides information and awareness about preventing depression and responding effectively to it. The site provides FAQs, depression resources and research and links to related organisations.

Youth Beyond Blue offers information and advice specifically tailored for young people.

Black Dog Institute offers useful information about depression and bipolar disorder including symptoms, causes, treatments and getting help.

Headspace provides information and help to young people going through a tough time.

It’s All Right know that dealing with mental illness personally, or in your family can be hard. Contact their help line 1800 18 SANE (7263) or visit their website for more information.

Mental Health In Multicultural Australia provides mental health information and advice to individuals and families of immigrant and refugee background.

ReachOut offers information and advice to young people working through tough times and helps them to improve their everyday life.


Abuse and abusive relationships are defined by a lot of things and don’t just have to be violent. It could also be how someone talks to you or the way they treat you. If someone is making you feel scared or bad about yourself, you don’t have to put up with it.

ReachOut Australia can help you identify what abuse looks like and what you can do if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship. For more information about abuse and abusive relationships visit their website.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre is an independent, community-lead organisation providing aid, legal and health services to people seeking asylum in Australia.

ChilOut advocates for the plight of children in immigration detention centres and provides accurate information showing what is happening to children inside Australia’s immigration detention facilities.

The Refugee Council of Australia is a peak body representing more than 1000 organisations and individual members to advocate on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers and provide useful links to other organisations in Australia.

Racial discrimination

Racism. No Way provides anti-racism education for Australian Schools. They provide resources and support about stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination in Australia, and an outline of the Australian law.

Altogether Now works to prevent racism in schools, as well as sports clubs, workplaces and the community.